Blessing of the Divine Mercy
My image already is in your soul. I desire that there be
a Feast of Mercy. I want this image, which you will paint with a brush to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, that Sunday is to be the Feast of Mercy.
The Promises of the Divine Mercy Image
I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over its enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death, I Myself will defend it as My own glory (Diary,41)
Eternal God,
In whom mercy is endless
and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible,
look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us,
that in difficult moments
we might not despair nor become despondent,
but with great confidence submit ourselves
to Your Holy Will,
which is Love and Mercy itself. (950)
Blessing of the Image on the Feast of Mercy
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And also with you.
Let us pray
Almighty, eternal God, You have allowed pictures and statues of Your saints to be pained and carved, so that as often as we look upon them with our bodily eyes, we may recall with our more inward eyes their deeds and their sanctity and learn to imitate them. In Your goodness, therefore, bless and sanctify this picture fashioned to reveal to us the unfathomable love of our Crucified and Risen Savior – Divine Mercy
Personified – and to recall to our minds the streams of Blood and Water gushing forth from His pierced heart to be a Fount of Mercy for us. Grant to all who invoke Your Mercy with this picture before their eyes, the grace of true repentance, pardon and peace. Shield them from every danger to soul and body.
Loving Savior, establish in this picture the Throne of Your Mercy. Pour out upon all who approach it with faith and trust, the purifying, healing and sanctifying rays of grace ever emanating from it as from a blazing sun; Gaze upon them from it as you did from the Cross with irresistible love and compassion.
Through this image may Your Diving Mercy triumph over all the powers and wiles of Satan the world over. May all who venerate it never perish. May it be their joy in life , their hope in death and their glory in eternity. This we ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Mercy Prayer
Father, fill me with Your mercy, that I may be merciful. Father, I ask for mercy not only for myself, but for all Your Bishops, Your priests and deacons. Father, fill us with Your mercy that we may be merciful. Make us icons of Your mercy that others may see Your mercy and be drawn into Your mercy. Make us intercessors of Your mercy, imporing Your mercy on us and on the whole world. Make us vessels of Your mercy, to bring mercy to others that they may experience Your mercy. Make us preachers of Your mercy, to tell others of Your mercy that they may hear of Your mercy and be converted. Make us teachers of Your mercy to explain and take away obstacles to receiving Your mercy. Make us writers of your mercy that many may read of Your mercy and open their hearts to You make us apostles of Your mercy sent by You to proclaim Your kingdom of mercy, Your time of mercy and Your plan of mercy. Lord, fill us with your mercy, that we may be as merciful as you are merciful.
An Act of Consecration the Divine Mercy
Most merciful Jesus, They goodness is infinite and the treasure of They grace inexhaustible. I have infinite trust in Thy mercy which is above all Thy works (Ps.144-9). I surrender myself to Thee entirely and without reserve that I may thus live and strive for Christians’ perfection. I desire to spread Thy mercy through the performance of both spiritual and corporal works of Mercy, particularly in converting sinners, in consoling and aiding the needy, the afflicted and the sick.
Guard me then as They possession and Thy glory, for while I have everything to fear from my human weakness, at the same time I have everything to hope for from Thy mercy. May all men come to know the fathomless depths of They mercy to confide in it and to glorify it forever.
Prayer of Intercession to Blessed Faustina
Blessed Faustina,
Through your most holy heart we ask for your intercession.
with the most profound homage,
we pray to you,
you who are the perfect model of mercy,
The treasurer of your spouse’s Divine love.
Your most pure and humble heart overflows with tender love for poor sinners,
In affliction and anguish,
we present ourselves before you with great confidence
and beg you to make us taste the truth and love with which you love us.
We humbly beg you to grant us the grace to be near your heart,
so full of love for us
and to make us like unto you.
We ask you,
most humble secretary of the divine Mercy,
to present us to your beloved Spouse,
and to interceded for us and for the ones we present to you.
Turn your most tender love towards the souls we bring before you,
and hold them up to the most precious Heart of Jesus,
So that the Blood and Water which gushed forth out of love and mercy
envelops these souls completely.
We ask you to interceded for us for strength,
The strength we need in the warfare against the Evil one’s attempts to
drive a wedge between our souls and the most merciful
Heart of Jesus.
Please ask the Most Holy Trinity
to grant us the grace to always have the upper hand,
against the demon and all his perverse passions.
Oh most cherished Faustina,
Obtain for us the grace to be worthy of apostles of the Divine Mercy
By the tears you shed and by the sorrows and sufferings
which you experiences upon this earth.
May those graces be poured upon us,
by the power and justice of the Father,
the Love and Mercy of the Son,
And the Virtue and Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
O Jesus, eternal God,
thank You for Your countless graces and blessings.
Let every beat of my heart
be a new hymn of thanksgiving to You, O God.
Let every drop of my blood circulate for you Lord.
My soul is one hymn in adoration of Your mercy.
I love You, God,
for Yourself is alone.